Amboria: Roleplaying in the World Under Starlight is a game of magic, high adventure, and culture creation. Set in a world two decades in the making, Amboria introduces players to a rich tapestry of liturgy, lore, romance, and history which draw deeply from the well of legends and folklore of eastern Europe and the Black Sea region. In this world, players take on the role of Adventurers: courageous individuals on the edges of the kingdom who journey into the dark, fight monsters, and uncover the secrets and treasures of their own past in an attempt to build communities that will stand against the coming night.
The Ambori are the people of Sky, Forest, and Water. They trace their lineage back to Lanenomen, the last of the lords of Starland, and thence to Feihoth himself, the first star to glimmer in the Western sky. When Sencan built his city amid the sacred grove of cypress trees that surrounded the holiest of all hills, he established a kingdom and lineage which would last the ages.
For three eons of the world the heirs of Sencan reigned, their legitimacy unquestioned as long as they held the Hurorupeim—the living sword which Sencan forged long ago in the deep places of the earth, which would serve no master but him.
But thirty years ago, the Hurorupeim was lost. Now, in the year 451 of the Third Eon, the cruel King Onwae sits the throne, and many fear that the line of Sencan is failing at last. Beasts strange and fell stalk the northern moors; around the cities of the Archipelago, strange horrors with many eyes hunt the Deep Men once again.
In these uncertain days, the hardy folk at the kingdom’s edges do not look to the royal city for deliverance. They must find strength—if they are to find it at all—from among themselves.
Amboria is a registered trademark of Richard William Rohlin. All rights reserved Richard William Rohlin.